Initial D is a manga by Shuichi Shigeno which has been serialized in Kodansha's Young Magazine since 1995. It has been adapted into a long-running anime series by Pastel, Studio Gallop, OB Planning, Frontline, Gainax and A.C.G.T which premiered in Japan on Fuji TV and Animax, and a live action film by Avex and Media Asia. Both the manga and anime series were licensed for distribution in North America by Tokyopop; the Tokyopop version of the manga is out of print as of August 31, 2009.
Genre: | Racing / Driving |
Release Month: | 2 |
Release Year: | 2000 |
Developer: | Kodansha |
Publisher: | Kodansha |
Serial: | SLPS-91181 |
Size: | 0 |
CRC32: | 0 |